Search Results - coatings

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Durable Polymeric Antimicrobial Coating for Orthopedics
External fixation is a well-established orthopedic practice in which fractured bones or fusion sites are immobilized for healing by placing wires and/or pins into the bone on either side. Unfortunately, both superficial and deep tissue infections are prevalent with the use of external fixators, particularly Staphylococcal infections. The economic burden...
Published: 2/6/2024   |   Inventor(s): Alexey Vertegel, Igor Luzinov, Christopher Gross, Dmitry Gil, Nikolay Borodinov
Keywords(s): Biomaterials - Orthopaedic, Coatings, Medical Device, Orthopaedics - Orthotics/Prosthetics/Hardware/Other
Category(s): Biomedical Sciences
Sustainable, Self-Healing Coatings (2013-065)
This self-healing polymer coating inhibits corrosion of metal iron substrates while extending the life of coated materials. Self-healing materials are an emerging and promising market, expected to reach a market value of $2.7 billion by 2020. The concept of self-healing materials is to enable materials to repair damage with minimum intervention. Current...
Published: 7/24/2023   |   Inventor(s): Marek Urban, Ying Yang
Keywords(s): Automotive, Coatings, Polymers/Composites, Sustainable Construction
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Reduced-Cost, Ambient Desorption Optical Emission Spectroscopy for Performing Elemental Analysis (2016-018)
This analytical instrument uses ambient desorption optical emission spectroscopy (AD-OES) to perform elemental analysis on samples as diverse as metallic thin films, solution residues, powders, and bulk metals – directly from the solid state. Ambient desorption refers to the capability to analyze substances in their native state, and the ability...
Published: 1/5/2024   |   Inventor(s): Richard Marcus, Htoo Paing, Xinyan Zhang
Keywords(s): Agriculture, Analytical/Instrumentation/Sensors-Non-Medical/NonBiological, Coatings, Manufacturing, Optical Fibers/Materials/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Ultrahydrophobic Self-cleaning Materials & Surfaces
Many materials – fibers, metals, synthetics and textiles – can have improved performance with the ability to repel water and contaminants. This technology provides a process for the modification of material exteriors by the addition of nano-sized or micro-sized particles to create the “lotus effect” – a surface that inhibits...
Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Igor Luzinov, Philip Brown, Killugudi Swaminatha Iyer, Viktor Klep, Bogdan Zdyrko
Keywords(s): Automotive, Biomaterials - Other, Coatings, Nanotechnology, Textiles/Fibers - Non-Optical/Medical/Other
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Surface Treatment of Polymeric and Inorganic Surfaces
Current surface modification technologies do not provide a universal technique that works on all surfaces. This patented technology features an efficient method for permanent surface modification of polymeric and inorganic material and devices using the concept of a “loops” and “tails” configuration of the primary reactive polymer...
Published: 5/18/2023   |   Inventor(s): Igor Luzinov, Killugudi Swaminatha Iyer, Viktor Klep, Bogdan Zdyrko
Keywords(s): Biomaterials - Other, Coatings, Medical Device, Polymers/Composites
Category(s): Advanced Materials
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