Search Results - polymers%2fcomposites

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Lignocellulose-Sulfur Composite Materials for Construction Applications
These composites chemically combine abundant agricultural and petrochemical wastes, allowing for practical reduction of inert wastes that can be used to either supplement or replace traditional construction materials. Approximately 7 million tons of waste sulfur and 5 million tons of waste lignocellulose are produced each year. Only a quarter of these...
Published: 5/29/2024   |   Inventor(s): Rhett Smith, Andrew Tennyson
Keywords(s): Energy - Green Technology, Energy - Petrochemical, Petroleum Refining, Polymers/Composites, Sustainable Construction, Sustainable Manufacturing, Textiles/Fibers - Non-Optical/Medical/Other
Category(s): Manufacturing, Agriculture, Sustainable Environment
Sustainable, Self-Healing Coatings (2013-065)
This self-healing polymer coating inhibits corrosion of metal iron substrates while extending the life of coated materials. Self-healing materials are an emerging and promising market, expected to reach a market value of $2.7 billion by 2020. The concept of self-healing materials is to enable materials to repair damage with minimum intervention. Current...
Published: 7/24/2023   |   Inventor(s): Marek Urban, Ying Yang
Keywords(s): Automotive, Coatings, Polymers/Composites, Sustainable Construction
Category(s): Advanced Materials
Functionalized Modification of Polymers for HPLC
These polymer fibers, used as stationary phases in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), enable a high level of selectivity and throughput, thus increasing efficiency. Chromatography is a method used by scientists to separate organic and inorganic compounds for further analysis. Currently, over 60% of chemical analysis worldwide is done in...
Published: 1/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kenneth Christensen, Richard Marcus
Keywords(s): Analytical/Diagnostics/Instru./Sensors-Medical/Biological, Bioprocessing/Biotechnology, Polymers/Composites, Textiles/Fibers - Non-Optical/Medical/Other
Category(s): Biotechnology
Surface Treatment of Polymeric and Inorganic Surfaces
Current surface modification technologies do not provide a universal technique that works on all surfaces. This patented technology features an efficient method for permanent surface modification of polymeric and inorganic material and devices using the concept of a “loops” and “tails” configuration of the primary reactive polymer...
Published: 5/18/2023   |   Inventor(s): Igor Luzinov, Killugudi Swaminatha Iyer, Viktor Klep, Bogdan Zdyrko
Keywords(s): Biomaterials - Other, Coatings, Medical Device, Polymers/Composites
Category(s): Advanced Materials
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