A Rapid Method for Determining the Complete Frequency-Dependent Electrode Impedance Response

Market Overview:

Traditionally, capturing the low frequency response of electrodes involves having to capture the entire frequency range of impedance. The most critical impedance element of an electrode typically involves the low frequency response where the electrode polarization resistance is determined. Depending on the electrode and electrolyte, low frequency impedance measurements may take hours or longer to complete, which limits the utility of impedance monitoring of electrochemically active systems. In order to combat this problem, Clemson University researchers have developed a method that can significantly reduce the time of measurements from hours/days to minutes/seconds. This will make it easier to measure impedance of electrode systems in real-time, and will significantly extend the range of frequencies, over which the impedance can be determined, beyond the range measured.


Application                                                                   Stage of Development

Medical, Scientific, Infrastructure,                                 Patent




  • Opens up a range of corrosion measurement and monitoring technologies that are not currently available
  • Drastically shortens time needed to capture impedance
  • Extends the frequency range of analysis by exploiting the symmetry properties of general transfer functions


Technical Summary

This approach relies on the fact that the electrode impedance over a range of frequencies results in symmetric and anti-symmetric behavior of the phase angle and the impedance magnitude, such that once the high frequency response is known up to the mirror frequency, the low frequency response can be determined from the high frequency measurement. It provides a mathematical and graphical approach for determining the low frequency electrode response from the high frequency impedance measurements. The primary development of this technology relies on new understanding of basic electrode equivalent circuit models, and the analysis method for such models.  

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Inventor:                       Jeremy Gilbert

Patent Type:                  N/A

Serial Number:             62/821,573

CURF Ref No:              2019-021

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Chris Gesswein
Director of Licensing
Clemson University Research Foundation
Jeremy Gilbert
Piyush Khullar
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